How many protests have to take place?
How many banners have to be painted?
How many slogans have to be shouted on the streets?
How many sleeping politicians have to be woken up?
How many people need to be attacked with tear gas?
How many newscasters have to question those in question?
How many streets need to be patrolled by the cops?
How many complaints have to be turned down by the cops?
How many 7 year old little girls and virgins have to bleed each day?
How many women have to sacrifice their faces with acid?
How many women's modesty needs to be outraged?
How many debates will we have each day?
How many men will continue to think that they can get away with a rape without a scrape?
How many young girls will be threatened that they would meet with the same fate?
How many rarest of rare cases have to occur, until they are not rare anymore?
How many girls have to grow up with the belief that they can't blame a man for his actions?
How many times will we hear that a change is going to take place?
How many times will we yet again face disappointments?
How many times will we accept defeat and move on with our lives?
How many sorry speeches will we hear from those that don't even give 2 hoots?
How many times will a woman MP be told that she's addressing irrelevant issues when she raises her voice?
How many, Oh tell me, How many....?
Until 'Change' becomes a revolution and a reality and not merely a cool word to use....