Thursday, November 26, 2015

If We Could Hear What God is Saying to Us on Thanksgiving

1. Don’t thank me yet. First achieve your life’s purpose. Indeed, I gave you life and a destiny to make the situation conducive for you. And the most important thing I gave you was freewill.. but it seems like half of you have completely forgotten about this most precious gift and the other half of you have forgotten what it was meant to be used for. When you defeat your purpose, you defeat my purpose.

2. Don’t thank me yet. Not until you’ve finished what I started. It was you who asked to be sent down there to complete it. It was you who wanted this done and now you won’t let you do this. It was you who volunteered.

3. Don’t thank me yet. Thank Edison, my beloved son, who truly spread the light so that you could even work in the night without being deterred by the darkness. Thank the Wright brothers who gave you the wings to fly so that exploring this beautiful planet was not a mammoth task but a pleasurable one that it should be. Thank Alexander who invented this most amazing thing that you call the telephone so you needn’t wait for days and weeks before messages could be exchanged and you could do a lot more, much faster. Thank that boy Mozart and many others in his league including Hans Zimmer of this age, who created the most legendary music to inspire your souls to trudge forward and continue on your soul’s true journey. The list is endless. Now my question to you... What did you do with all of that?

4. Don’t thank me… because I didn’t give you the woman to sin, to violate and to cage. I gave you the woman, the most treasured part of my being, to cherish, to worship and to draw inspiration from.

5. Don’t thank me. I made you woman, not to indulge in self-pity, not to play the victim or be defeatist nor to be the enemy of your own kind, playing a role in deterring them from shining their brightest and accomplishing what they were here to do. I made you woman, to teach mankind of courage, power, dignity, supremacy and most of all love. I made you woman, so you could sparkle and bring light where there was none. A lot of you have forgotten and almost relinquished your light and succumbed to those earthly norms that hold no truth from where you come.

6. Don’t thank me. I never asked you to fear me and become subordinates to me. Oh my, you make me look like a jealous and vain monster. How I should feel ashamed of myself. Don’t you know, I am in you and in me there’s you. You are me and I am you so who are you bowing down to? Would you kill you if you didn’t bow down to you? Oh wait.. That’s indeed what you are doing there... you are killing you… because those that you have called others are also you... You are destroying you…

7. Don’t thank me. I never made religion. I just sent them down to set examples for you. I only wanted to give guidance to help you, not to handicap you. Jesus, my son was just spreading my message and so was Mohammed and so were Krishna and Gautam and many others. I never made religion. I just sent down my children who were dedicated to work on my mission to help you and guide you. I never made religion. You made religion. And now you use it for the exact opposite cause of the whole purpose of its being. I never divided you. You divided you. It was never about fighting about the names. It was never meant to be about who’s right and who’s wrong. It was just different spectrums to look at the same thing. It was just different paths to the same destination. But you chose to get so intertwined and adamant to decide which path was right, you entirely forgot about the destination.

8. Don’t thank me. There is light at either ends of the tunnel but that doesn’t mean that they are different lights. It is the same universal light that shines from above but you are so lost and divided inside your tunnels that you fail to see that I’m just the only one light that shines right above you. You created the tunnels and now you are lost in them. I’m still shining bright, overhead. You just don’t want to see it that way.

9. Don’t thank me. You chose the side of your ego and even while worshipping me there lies your ego, the ego that wants to prove that your way of worship is truer and the other one knows not how to worship the God… The ego that fails to see that love can shine through your soul and doesn’t need rituals to prove that it’s true. You make a mockery out of me and insult me when you follow all your devised rituals to put on the façade of loving me and then go and commit the same shameful sins that I abhor. You make a mockery out of me when you tell that loving soul that he knows not who I am because he knows not how to pray the right way, even though he’s the one who really knows how to love me... He’s the one who needs no rituals to prove how much I mean to him because he remembers and listens to my advice, because he embraces all with an open heart and differentiates not on the basis of religion, practices or rituals.

10. Don’t thank me.. because you are lazy to go out and achieve all that I made you capable of achieving.. Don’t thank me, you never did justice to all the gifts that I generously endowed upon you. Don’t thank me just because it’s thanksgiving. I will thank you if you really woke up today and decided to mend all your ways and did all that you were meant to do and lived your life with the spirit of love and your true purpose.

11. Don’t thank me.. Because you couldn’t be a good father and inspire your children… because if you failed to do this one simple thing for your children, it means that I failed to inspire you as a father..

I’m only as great as you would make me through your own greatness. I’m only as loved as you would allow me to be by loving yourselves. I’m only as true as you would believe me to be through your faith. If you think I don’t exist, then I won’t. If you think I am the greatest, then you must also believe that you can be the greatest with my power within you. I’m only as just as you want me to be. If you think you never get what you deserve, then you never will. If you think I’m here by your side making you manifest wonderful things and making this world a better place, then there I am, right by your side, with all my might working through you and for you.

However, all this means nothing if you want to stay with your hopeless ways and act like a beggar. All of this means nothing if you’re going to resign to this thing you call fate, which you created for yourself... All of this means nothing if you are going to just sit around and do nothing. All of this means nothing if you’re going to decorate that Christmas tree every year to celebrate the birth of Jesus but never let another Jesus be born within your souls. You defeat my son’s purpose, you make his life feel like a complete waste, you give him sorrow when you don those clothes and call yourselves the clergymen only to enjoy a false sense of power and teach my children to fear me.

Don’t you see you are not meant to fear me, you were never meant to fear me… because you are me.. You are my creation and you are my creator. The creator and the creation is you. When a child is born, so is a mother and a father. They can only co-exist. One cannot exist without the other. I’m as dependent on you as you are on me. I can only help you, if you get up and help me. I can only do as much as you would do for me. Don’t thank me. If you truly love me, go gather that courage and do what needs to be done. Fulfil the purpose. Don’t thank me. Just allow my light to shine through you instead of blocking it with your growing darkness.. Don’t thank me.. Allow me to work through you. Don’t thank me yet.. Don’t thank me...

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